Mixed-media installation
composed of two related works regarding (trans)gender identity.
The installation...
The installation, as exhibited in exhibition ‘Standaardman’ (standard man), on the occasion of Grayson Perry's book ‘Men' consists of two components: a sculptural video installation and a series of digital works printed on ceramic tiles.
The topic is related to previous work "Maria Was Here' that also includes the theme of gender based stereotypes: In one of the three video's of that particular installation, 'incarnated Mary, mother of Jezus from Nazareth' expresses herself with regard to contemporary restrictions on sexism that the actor (played by teenage daughter) experiences herself today. The topics touched in such works are as well related to personal life as they are rooted in society. It's importance lies in todays world and always comes in relation to what was. Also it's historical origin has to be highligted from a different points of view, time and again in order to make way for equality and justice. That's why I find importance in creating such works.
Click HERE for installation 'Maria Was Here'
The video is placed in a sculptural furniture-like element with Queer characteristics that reveal itself by organic curves reminiscent of bones, as a reference to self-determination and physicality. This sculptural element comes in the line of works based on or referring to furniture, as a symbol for human presence, social structures or as extensions of the body. It has been part of the work process ever since graduating and comes back in all disciplines.
The video...
The 'Female To Male' video was made out of research material regarding the topic. Scrolling through a landscape of selfies searching 'FTM selfie' on Google, we get personal insights regarding the transition of female to male physicality. And with that views on physical masculinity and culturally prevailing standards or stereotypes: Identity, pop culture and social media as a frame of reference and stage at the same time.
The 'Gender Clouds'...
Within that frame we find room for individual nuances, which is expressed in the 'Gender Clouds’. They rather radiate a 'classic beauty'. Each cloud has its own background and story. Together they reflect the endless diversity and fluidity to identity. In the installation they 'float' above the video that is facing upwards, so the video is only to be watched from closely and above, looking down in an intimate position with the sculpture. Although there’s clearly coherence between the two elements, both elements can only be experienced separately.
Resonating on the (idea of) a malleable body...
As the video proceeds the same content becomes more and more abstract, for the video's are altered by social media applications and slowly transform into a pulsing stream, creating colourful patterns that hold the mind in a mere state of experience.
Both works, video installation 'FTM' and 'Gender Cloud' series can also exist separately. The 'Gender Clouds' come in a series of 25 each. They are 15 x 15 cm and can also be installed within a (bathroom or kitchen) tile wall. If interested send an e-mail through the contact page.