Concept(ual) drawings

Conceptual drawings or visualisations to work out ideas and concepts for projects, installations or sculptures, also to be understood as autonomous works.

The String

Series of concept drawings for social interventions. Also as autonomous drawings, part of 'Armenia' art project. More drawings in the series: click here

Border Mirror

Digital concept drawing in combination with hand drawing for project 'Armenia', 2018. It eventually became an animation too. The concept could not be worked out because of the stressed border situation with Turkey. More and about the project: click here

let's do expressionism

Series of critical drawings addressing male dominance in culture and society.

c l I c k for m o r e 'let's do expressionism'

These drawings come in a line of feminist art projects like 'Position' IV. c l i c k & g o

'For all I know'

Concept drawing combining recurring materials or existing work: hair, plates, tables, installation 'Nadir', two flags in opposite directions from 'The Columbarium’.

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